Carrot CSS


Carrot CSS provides you with a bunch of utility classes, shadow for boxes and text, font sizes and few text utilities.
We do not provide more of them on purpose, as this is not the goal of the library. We want to stick to the minimum there.

See _utilities_.scss file on Github

Font Sizes

Classes from font-size-300 to font-size-900 are provided to apply these font sizes.


Shadows for box shadow-small, shadow-medium, shadow-large and shadow-extra-large are provided.
They also exist for text: shadow-text-small, shadow-text-medium, shadow-text-large and shadow-text-extra-large.

"Fake" Headings

Sometimes an h3 needs to look like an h1. Instead of breaking the HTML layout, h1-like from h4-like are provided.
They will make anything look like an heading!


  • nowrap: apply white-space: nowrap;
  • truncate: makes the text truncable and overflow with text-overflow: ellipsis;
  • uppercase: make the text uppercase