Carrot CSS

Getting started

This is a quick guide to get started. Read the documentation for more details.

Step 1: Installation

Start by adding this line to your <head>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

You can also use a package manager, and we actually recommends that approach, more on the Installation documentation.

When Carrot CSS is imported, you're all set!

Step 2: Font and Sizes

But you might want to overwrite some CSS variables, you can do that by defining them in a :root selector.

Here's what it would like like:

.theme-default {
  --font-headings: "Your title font", "And some backup ones", serif;
  --font-body: "You might want to keep that one the default system font stack";
  --size-400: 1.6rem;

This should be the most of it but refer to the documentation for more information.

Step 3: Colors and Theming

About theming, Carrot CSS use some design tokens so you'll use color named by their usage, not an actual color name.
You'll use variables named like --color-text-dark or --color-border instead of --dark-blue or --light-blue-200.

It'll make way more sense and will make the theme easily switchable!

A Carrot CSS theme is actually just a list of design tokens and their values.

You should read the theming documentation for more information.

To use Carrot CSS you don't need to create your own theme. You can probably just overwrite the default one and the dark one to put it your interactive colors.

Your branding color or main color is what we name interactive color in a theme.
An interactive color would be used for buttons, links and anything you want to stand out in your designs.

These are how you should start:

.theme-default {
  --color-interactive: var(--pink-400);
  --color-interactive-light: var(--pink-300);
  --color-interactive-lighter: var(--pink-200);
  --color-interactive-dark: var(--pink-500);
  --color-interactive-darker: var(--pink-600);
  --color-interactive--reverse: var(--pink-50);

In this example we use the existing colors from the existing palette included in Carrot CSS, and we set light, lighter, dark and darker for different constrasts. The --color-interactive--reverse will mostly be used for text having the --color-interactive as a background.
Here we used pink-50 that is almost white, but still have that small saturation that will make it look better that pure #fff.