Carrot CSS


We want you to not struggle with setting nice base typographic rule.
You should only chose your font and be good to go.

The --measure of content

This concept is largely inspired by this readability tutorial from, and you can refer to the original post for more information.

The --measure CSS variable hold the max width of paragraph.
You need to add a .text-container class to the container to use this.
It guarantee readability per default by limiting p and li to ~70 characters. It is set by default to 60ch.

The headings will be limited to ~30 character and that'll look great by default.

You might want to change that behavior, for that you can declare --measure: <YourValue>; in your :root selector.

Font sizes

Carrot CSS defines the default text sizes, based on a ratio between sizes. The default ratio is 1.33.
Here's a look at the default sizes:

:root {
  --size-300: 0.75rem;
  --size-400: 1rem;
  --size-500: 1.33rem;
  --size-600: 1.77rem;
  --size-700: 2.36rem;
  --size-800: 3.15rem;
  --size-900: 4.2rem;

There is one font for all the titles and one for the content.

You can override the ratio by changing the --font-ratio CSS variable. More about CSS variables

This is how title look and play together:

Title 1

Content after an h1.

Title 2

Content after an h2.

Title 3

Content after an h3.

Title 4

Content after an h4.

Title 5

Content after an h5.

Titles aliases

Sometimes you need an H2 to look like an H3, so Carrot CSS provides classes to help you accomplish that:

<h2 class="h3-like">An H2 that looks like an H3</h2>

You can use h1-like, h2-like, h3-like, h4-like and h5-like classes to make a lookalike element.