tom quinonero

full-stack web developper


I am Tom Quinonero, a French full-stack developer based in Berlin. I’ve been coding since I was 14.

I started to learn coding by myself and I got a job as a PHP developer at 20. It was a very interesting two-year experience, where I learnt a lot about the professional work environment.

Since then, I have been working hard on my skills, and I can say I’m a much better developer now. I mainly use ruby on rails and Vuejs.

I am available right now for contracts and missions.

What I do

With 10 years coding, I learn many, many things. Here's my selected skills. Hover for see more.

Ruby on rails

When I discover ruby on rails, I found myself pretty addicted to the simplicity of this framework. I fell in love with convention over configuration that day. I can know do pretty amazing things with rails :

  • I know how to manage complex models associations like single table inheritance or polymorphic relations.
  • I write efficients tests with rspec and capybara.
  • I implement precises authentication behavior with pundit.
  • I create nested forms for updating multiples models at the same time like it’s nothing.


I like what typescript offers a lot and try to integrate it in my projects.
I work a lot with Vuejs, great library in my opinion


PHP was my first programation language and it was not easy for the 14 years old me to understand. With this language I learn programations cocepts as object oriented programation, object-relational mapping, unit testing etc…

  • I know how to create web apps from scratch
  • I know how to use laravel framework
  • I know how manage dependencies with composer
  • I know how to use template engine like Twig & Blade

Html & CSS

I am a CSS lover. I care a lot about naming and modularity. I am not a big fan of CSS framework in the way they can alter the readability of HTML but I have experiences with bootstrap, semantic UI and foundation.

  • I write semantic html markup
  • I can put any element where I want on the page
  • I know how to build an entire and coherent frontend framework
  • I use haml when it’s possible and sass


With 10 years of coding I learn way more than just coding skills.
Here’s some revelant:

  • Teamwork: quite

Contact me

If you interessed in my profile, you can reach me at
Or give me a call +33667514458